I recommend using twigs, as they grow pretty quickly and feed more than cut grass. You can also use Crock Pot dishes, but this isn't recommended because of the time and effort needed to consistently feed your Beefalo with these. Beefalo lose hunger very quickly, so you will need a large Berry Bush, Sapling, or Grass Tuft farm. Hunger is how full your Beefalo is, and it is very important. There are three you need to look out for: Hunger, Obedience, and Domestication. Taming a Beefalo requires some knowledge of the inside statistics. (Note: This guide is a work in progress, so check for more details later.) Riding a Beefalo while carrying it will make the long, slow walk not so slow anymore. For example, say you are lugging the Suspicious Marble around, but it is far from the Marble Sculptures themselves. That being said, taming a Beefalo has many benefits- increased movement speed, damage, and some other rather specific quirks. Make sure you think it worth it before doing this. Taming a Beefalo is a long, arduous project. Readers should read the content carefully, and follow accordingly. This article may contain instructional language and subjective recommendations.