That being said, if you don't mind paying $5-$15 a month, VPNs are great ways to go. Most people pay a monthly or yearly fee in order to use a good VPN. VPNs are fine, but getting a good free one is next to impossible. I have tried various VPNS, Hotspot Shield and Freegate. I have lived in China now for a year and have tried many different tools to try to use the internet freely. Mostly websites related to social interaction such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and most the popular blogging platforms such as Wordpress and Blogger (which means if you are reading this, you are either not in China, or you have already figured out a way to bypass the Great Firewall of China. Visiting this tourist attraction is mandatory! As most people know, many websites are blocked in China. If you have plans on going to China for vacation, or living there for any length of time, you will need to prepare to visit the Great Firewall of China. (Note: For a comprehensive and up-to-date comparison of features and prices for different VPNs, click on this VPN and Proxy Comparison list.)

FreeGate is the way to go to freely use the Internet in China